Tuesday 19 November 2013

Well after over a year away I am back to posting again. 

I have been caring for my family and our pets.  During this time I have also been experimenting with colloidal silver and St. John's Wort Oil. To my husband's delight, I have come up with a cream that includes these two powerhouse healing agents, along with a few other natural ingredients. 

The result has been an efficient, effective solution that simplifies the daily use of these products to keep his psoriasis under control.  I was personally  inspired since it is also a pain reliever and I use it on my aches and pains . 

Hence, the name "Natural Solutions".  The "Dragon Fly" part comes from the spiritual like connection to these tiny creatures that I have had for many, many years. 

This is all in the early stages and I will be continuing  to develop this blog site to include my products and a price list. 

I will also be back at creating fresh, natural treats for my furry family members and offering them for you to purchase once again. Check out my "Two Dogs Two Cats" blog site for updates .  You can also see additional information on St. John's Wort Oil (also known as Hypericum Oil) and Colloidal Silver and their uses on this blog.

I have missed working on my blog and am very excited about this new line that includes chemical free lip balm, a greaseless body moisturizing spray, toothpaste, deodorant and hand & body cream. 

Also, in an endeavor to free my family of chemicals at every opportunity, I have begun to make my own dish soap, clothes detergent, cleaning supplies as well as shower gel and shaving cream.  I also hope to make these products available for you to try in the near future.

I would like to reiterate that I am not a doctor and make no claim to the medicinal effects of any of my featured products other than what I experience personally.  I provide information but it is up to you to make your own informed choices and conclusions.  Your health is your responsibility and yours alone.

Thank you for reading this post and watch for my soon to be released, Dragonfly Natural Solutions, for your everyday personal care needs.